27 Speaking & Writing Prompts/Topics, with Sample Answers – PART4


    Q16 : Do you think it’s important for children to learn how to swim at an early age?

    Sample Answer

    I don’t think it’s important for children to learn to swim when they’re young. First, we don’t really need to know how to swim. One of my friends, Molly, does not know how to swim and she never needed to learn. She always lived in the city, where there wasn’t a lot of water or swimming pools available. Swimming just never interested her. Second, it’s not hard to learn how to swim. One of my friends learned how to swim in college. She took a class and it only took her a couple of tries before she was doing all kinds of moves in the water, like the backstroke. In conclusion, I don’t think it’s important for children to learn to swim at a young age.


    Q17: Should older children learn to cook so they can help prepare the family meals sometimes?

    Sample Answer

    Older children should not learn to cook at all. To start with, there’s no need to learn how to cook. Because there are so many restaurants, nobody needs to know how to cook nowadays. You can simply go to a restaurant anytime you are hungry and eat something. You can even order food over the phone or the Internet and have it delivered. Also, even older children might get hurt when cooking. Cooking can be dangerous; we can get burned from the stove or even cut ourselves with a knife. Then, we might end up in the hospital, and that would not be fun. Therefore, I don’t think that older children should learn how to cook.

    Q18: Which skill do you think is more important in foreign language learning?

    Sample Answer

    The most important skill in foreign language learning is reading. Reading allows us to do many things on our own, so it can help us to be independent. For example, when I am at a restaurant, I can’t have the waiter read off a menu to me; that would be rude. We just have to know how to read to do these kinds of simple tasks. However, we can always ask someone to write something down like directions to the zoo or instructions on how to do something. In addition, reading is usually easier. Sometimes it’s hard to speak because the sounds are difficult to make. However, we shouldn’t have any trouble writing things down. Because of these two reasons, I think reading is the most important skill when learning a foreign language.

    Q19: Laughter and joy are essential aspects for a healthy life. Why or why not?

    Sample Answer

    I don’t think laughter and joy are essential for a healthy life. First off, laughing can sometimes be inappropriate. For example, I went to a funeral with one of my friends. His mom had died just two months before and the funeral was for his dead sister. He started laughing uncontrollably, and that was not very good. People thought he was crazy. In addition, some people live very successful lives while having no sense of humor. Think about most college professors. They are very dedicated to their work, always eat healthy, and yet have no sense of humor. Therefore, I think that laughter and joy are not necessarily needed for life, though they do make things more interesting.


    Q20: When you feel sad, what are some things you do to help yourself feel better?

    Sample Answer

    When I feel sad, there are two things I do to help myself feel better. First, I always cry. Crying always helps me to get out my emotions. When I cry, I feel a huge burden being lifted and I no longer have to keep my emotions bottled up. Second, I make sure to talk to my mom. My mom always gives me the best hugs and she always makes me feel better. Sometimes, she will make me hot chocolate, and other times, she will give me the best advice in the world. Without my mom, I don’t know what I would do. When I feel sad, I always cry and talk to my mom to make myself feel better.



    Q21: What is your favorite type of exercise?

    Sample Answer

    My favorite type of exercise is playing soccer. I have two reasons to support my opinion. Firstly, I can play with many people I don’t know. Since soccer is a team sport, I can play with my friends and learn good sportsmanship. Soccer is a great way for me to meet people, and it’s how I met people when I first came to America. Secondly, playing soccer involves a good mixture of cardio. There is a lot of running, jumping, kicking, and other moves. These kinds of exercises help keep me slim and trim and can even help me get a six pack. For these reasons, my favorite exercise is playing soccer.




    • Q22 : When you choose a friend, which quality is more important in that person: honesty or physical appearance?
    • Q23: If there was a fire or some other type of disaster in your house, what would you take with you? Why?
    • Q24: Who is your best friend? Why is he/she important to you?
    • Q25: If you could be famous for something, what would you want to be famous for?
    • Q26: If you could meet one world leader, who would it be?
    • Q27: Which do you think is better – to live on campus or to rent an apartment off campus?

    ITTT TEFL certification



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