27 Speaking & Writing Prompts/Topics, with Sample Answers – PART2


    Q6 : Should students work while they study?

    Sample Answer

    I don’t think students should work while they study. If students work while they study, it will take up a bunch of time. Studying is considered an occupation, and I think that if more people treated school like a regular job with a 40-hour work week, students would learn more and be more productive. Adding work into the mix would just stress students out and make them do badly in school. Also, most jobs for students are really bad, like being a janitor or a store clerk. I don’t think those jobs are appealing and most don’t make that much money anyway. For these two reasons, I don’t think students should work while they study.

    Q7: Which do you think is better for the environment: to build fewer factories or to create more wildlife preservation areas?

    Sample Answer

    I believe we should build fewer factories rather than create more wildlife preservation areas. We have a fundamental problem with pollution and it is because we create too many things we don’t need. Creating wildlife preservation areas will not solve the problem. If we build fewer factories, we will at least slow the gradual degradation of the ozone layer and our natural world. In addition, factories produce a lot of air pollution, which reaches everywhere on Earth. Smog doesn’t know land boundaries, and if we build wildlife preservation areas while building more factories, the animals will eventually die off anyway from a lack of oxygen. To conclude, I argue that we should build fewer factories.

    Q8: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is healthier for children to live in the countryside than in the city.

    Q9: Should students consult their parents about their majors and careers?

    Sample Answer

    I think students should consult their parents about their majors and careers. To start with, parents are very knowledgeable about life. They have lived a lot longer than us and have more experience. If we as students consult them, we are sure to get expert advice about what to do, and we will definitely go in the right direction. Also, parents are great resources whom are very different. Some people prefer to consult just their friends, but our friends are just way too similar to us. We should get different perspectives about our majors and careers from different people, including our parents. For these reasons, I think students should consult their parents when deciding their majors and careers.

    Q10: In order to get healthy, should people exercise more or sleep more?

    Sample Answer

    People need to sleep more in order to get healthy. Sleeping is important for two major reasons. First, sleeping rids the body of harmful toxins in the brain. When we go to sleep, the body starts to rid itself of poisons all over. If we don’t go to sleep, our bodies will never be able to remove these dangerous chemicals. Also, sleeping helps recharge the body. When we go to sleep, we help conserve energy for our busy day. Sometimes, people go to work without having slept for long, but they always feel sluggish and tired and don’t feel very good. Therefore, people should sleep more to be healthy


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    • Q11 : If you could give a meaningful gift to a family member, what would it be?
    • Q12:Explain your learning style: visual, auditory, kinesthetic, etc.
    • Q13: Do you think that seeing violence in video games or movies cause people to behave violently?
    • Q14: Would you save your money at a bank or at your home? Why?
    • Q15: If you could choose your own study hour, how many hours would you study?

    ITTT TEFL certification


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