27 Speaking & Writing Prompts/Topics, with Sample Answers – PART3


    Q11 : If you could give a meaningful gift to a family member, what would it be?

    Sample Answer

    If I could give a meaningful gift to a family member, I would give a camera to my sister. My sister loves photography. All she wants to do is take pictures and her old camera is outdated. She needs a better camera to help improve her skills and even though the camera would be expensive, it would be worth it. Also, we could make a lot of memories. My sister could take pictures when we go on vacation to Paris, London, or Hong Kong. Or, when we have a special occasion like a wedding, she could take special pictures. Because it could help her realize her dream of becoming a photographer, I would give my sister a camera as a meaningful gift.


    Q12: Explain your learning style: visual, auditory, kinesthetic, etc.

    Sample Answer

    For me, I find that I learn the most when I see something. When I see something, I can almost always remember it. That’s why it really helps me when the teacher uses the board. I often don’t take notes, but it’s not because I’m not a good student; it’s simply because I don’t need to. I just have a very good written memory. For example, my teacher wrote very complex math problems on the board and even though I didn’t take notes, I got a 100% on my exam. Sometimes, I’ll even take notes for myself, read them, and then throw them out. I’m just a great visual learner and that’s the way my brain works.

    Q13: Do you think that seeing violence in video games or movies cause people to behave violently??

    Sample Answer

    I don’t think seeing violence in video games or movies causes people to become violent themselves. People who behave violently often have emotional problems. Even though these kinds of people are more likely to consume violent media, that does not mean the media itself causes violent behavior. Correlation does not mean causation, after all. And secondly, some people play violent video games like Halo or Call of Duty simply to relieve stress. With all of the stresses of modern society, some teenagers just need to get away and blow off steam. These two reasons are why I don’t think people become violent after watching violent movies or playing violent video games.

    Q14: Would you save your money at a bank or at your home? Why?

    Sample Answer

    I prefer to save money at home rather than in a bank. If we save our money at a bank, we won’t have easy access to our money. Saving our money at a bank means that we might have to travel far away in order to withdraw money. However, by keeping our money at home, we can always access our money conveniently, which is much better than a bank far away. In addition, I have a lot of money. I don’t think I can trust other people with my money, especially a bank. They might just try to steal from me. Therefore, I think it is better to save money at home rather than in a bank.


    Q15: If you could choose your own study hour, how many hours would you study?

    Sample Answer

    I would choose to study two hours a day in addition to school. I have two reasons why. My first reason is that I only really need to study for chemistry and math. I’m really terrible at those subjects, so if I just spend a little bit of time everyday studying those two subjects, I can improve my grade significantly. My second reason is that I’m really busy. I have a part-time job at my local coffee shop and I have numerous extracurricular activities, including a soccer team and a volunteer club. I also have to help out around the house, so I just don’t have that much time to waste. For these reasons, if I could choose my own study hours, I would only study for two hours a day.






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    • Q16 : Do you think it’s important for children to learn how to swim at an early age?
    • Q17:Should older children learn to cook so they can help prepare the family meals sometimes?
    • Q18: Which skill do you think is more important in foreign language learning?
    • Q19: Laughter and joy are essential aspects for a healthy life. Why or why not?
    • Q20: When you feel sad, what are some things you do to help yourself feel better?
    • Q21: What is your favorite type of exercise?

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