27 Speaking & Writing Prompts/Topics, with Sample Answers


Q1 : Which season – winter, spring, summer, or fall – is your favorite?

Sample Answer

My favorite season is winter because of two reasons. First, Christmas is in winter and I always love getting presents from my family. Usually, on Christmas, I get toys from my sister and chocolate from my mother. We always have a great time together on Christmas. Second, I love to play in the snow. When I was younger, I made a snow angel or a snowman every year on the first day it snowed. I still do it today. In winter, I also get to see my little brother throw a snowball at my dad. It’s very funny. Since it is a great season to spend with my family, I think winter is my favorite season.

Q2: If you could plan the perfect day to spend with your close friends, where would you go and why?

Sample Answer

If I could plan the perfect day to spend with my friends, I would go to Paris. Paris is a great city, filled with a lot of opportunities. First, we could go shopping in the Galeries Lafayette. We could buy lots of expensive perfumes, sweaters, scarves, and jeans. We could spend hours getting lost in the wonderful department store. Also, we could eat some of the fanciest food in the world. I’ve always wanted to eat a baguette near the Eiffel Tower with my friends and if we were in Paris, I would love the opportunity to do so. We could even eat the baguette with some chocolate hazelnut spread. Because we could have a lot of fun, the perfect day with my friends would be in Paris.

Q3: What is the most frightening experience you have ever had in your life?

Sample Answer

The most frightening experience I’ve ever had was when I went to the dentist’s office for the second time. I was six years old and I was so scared, I cried for hours. It was scary for two reasons. First of all, the dentist caused me a lot of pain on my first trip. On my first visit, they put lots of instruments in my mouth, which caused my mouth some distress. I hated the feeling of the latex gloves in my mouth; it just tasted gross. Also, we had to wait a long time in the office, so it made me all the more anxious, especially because the secretary wasn’t nice. All in all, my second trip to the dentist wasn’t that painful, but I will always remember how terrified I was of my visit.

Q4: Should a country’s government tell its citizens how many children they can have?

Sample Answer

I think governments should tell their citizens how many children to have. To begin with, there are too many people on the Earth. The Earth now has over seven billion people and we simply do not have enough natural resources to feed, clothe, and raise more people. If we continue to have more and more children, a lot of people will starve to death. In addition, if a government sets up this policy, then we can live more comfortably. We will be able to live in larger homes instead of cramped apartments in the cities. For these reasons, I think that governments, like China, should do almost everything they can to limit the number of children people have.

Q5: Would you rather earn a lot of money working in a job that you don’t like or earn less money doing something you enjoy.

Sample Answer

I would prefer to work in a job that pays me more money though I don’t like it. I have two reasons to support my idea. First, nobody really likes their job. Even though many people say they really enjoy the job, a job means that it’s something you have to do out of duty. And I hate it when people tell me to do something. Second, I want to earn a lot of money because I want to own a big, beautiful mansion. If I get my mansion with a swimming pool and all, I would be the happiest person in the world. For these reasons, I would take the job that I don’t like, but pays well.

  • Q6 : Should students work while they study?
  • Q7:Which do you think is better for the environment: to build fewer factories or to create more wildlife preservation areas?
  • Q8: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is healthier for children to live in the countryside than in the city?
  • Q9: Should students consult their parents about their majors and careers?
  • Q10: In order to get healthy, should people exercise more or sleep more?

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