Collection of Reading Texts with Comprehension Questions for Kindergarten Kids


I have prepared this collection of short reading texts that will help in developing the fundamental skill of reading in young learners and kindergarten kids. These passages are followed by comprehension questions that will spark curiosity and build a strong foundation for beginning readers.At the end of this article, you can also get this collection in a ready-made printable workbook.

The brown cat:

I see the cat. The cat is brown.

  1. I see the _____________ (dog – cat – rat)
  2. The cat is green .    (True/False)

The big dog:

The dog is big. I like the dog.

  1. How does the speaker feel about the dog? ( sad – scared – happy)
  2. The dog is small. (True/False)

My friend:

He is my friend. His name is Sam. We play together.

  1. Who is the speaker’s friend? ( teacher – Sam – cat).
  2. The speaker and the friends don’t play together. ( True/False).

The red ball:

She has a red ball. We can play with it.

  1. What does she have? (Blue ball – Red ball – Green ball )
  2. They can’t play with the ball. (True/False)

Fun Outside:

We can play outside. It is fun to run.

  1. We can play __________ ( inside – at school – outside)
  2. It’s not fun to run outside.  ( True / False)

The little bug:

Look at the little bug. Bugs are small.

  1. What should you look at ? (the bug –  a book – the sky )
  2. Bugs are big. ( True / False )

Bright day:

The sun is up high. It is a bright day.

  1. Where is the sun?  ( Low in the sky – up high – covered by clouds)
  2. It’s a dark day. ( True/False)

Hot day:

It’s a hot day. Let’s say cool.

  1. Today is __________ ( cold – hot – rainy )
  2. We want to stay warm. (Tue/False)

I can jump:

Can you jump? I can jump high.

  1. What can you do? ( sleep – jump – sing)
  2. The speaker can’t jump (True/False)

The bird :

The bird can fly. Birds are fast.

  1. The bird can _______ (fly – swim – dance)
  2. Birds are slow. ( True/false)

The tall tree:

The tree is tall. I can’t reach the top.

  1. The tree is ________ ( short – red – tall)
  2. The speaker can reach the top.  (True/False)

The rain:

The rain is wet. Raindrops fall from the sky.

  1. What is wet?  (rain – sun – moon)
  2. Raindrops don’t fall from the sky. ( True/False)

The fish world:

The fish can swim. Fish live in the water.

  1. What can fish do?  ( fly – run – swim)
  2. Fish live on land. ( True/False)

Bright Moon:

The moon is bright. It shines at night.

  1. What shines at night? (sun – moon – mars)
  2. The moon shines during the day. (True/False)

My car:

I have a blue car. The car is fast.

  1. The car is ________ (red – blue -green)
  2. The car is slow. ( True/False)

Yummy cake:

We eat yummy cake. Cake is tasty.

  1. What do they eat?  (cake – fruit – nuts)
  2. Cake is not tasty. ( True/False)

Twinkling Stars:

Stars are tiny lights in the sky. They twinkle.

  1. Stars are in _______ (sea – clouds – sky)
  2. Stars are small lights in the sky. (True/False)

Sweet Dreams:

At night we go to sleep. We have happy dreams.

  1. What happens at night? ( we play games – we go to sleep – we have picnics)
  2. We have sad  dreams. ( True / False)

Reading together:

The book has pictures. Let’s read together.

  1. The book has ________ (pictures – songs – food)
  2. We are going to color the pictures together. ( True / False)

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